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We Believe in Keeping Church Simple...
People have over complicated church with things that we believe God never intended to be a part of it. We believe church is better when it is more simple. We believe that the Bible teaches three important parts to church: Worshiping together, Growing together, and Serving God together. Everything we do at Morningside falls into one of those three categories. It's that simple!



In worship, we sing praises to the Lord together. Though we mostly sing hymns, it is not unusual for us to sing a contemporary-type song not found in our hymnal on occasion. 

When it comes to dress: Dress up...or come in jeans!...It does not matter! Wear what makes you comfortable. You come just as you are and we will love you from the moment you step through our doors! 

Worship service is every Sunday morning at 11 AM! 


We believe that one of the most important parts of a personal relationship with God is studying His Word. The Bible is the way God has revealed Himself and His plan to us. We take as many opportunities as possible to study deeply into His Word as possible. We have opportunities to learn through the pastor's Sermons, Sunday School classes, our Dig Deeper Sunday night study, and other special classes. 

We meet during the following times:​​​
Sunday School: 10 AM
Sunday Morning Worship
: 11 AM
Wednesday Evening "Dig Deeper" Bible Study: 6 PM

Sunday School:
Sunday School is a fun time of learning together at Morningside. Utilizing a curriculum from Lifeway Christian Resources, we have classes and wonderful teachers for all age groups. We begin at 10:00 AM and coffee is available!

Sunday Morning Sermon:
Pastor Vic's sermons are expository in nature. That means that he teaches the meaning God's Word already has within it rather than creating a message and sprinkling in Bible verses to support it, as so many other preachers do. He is careful to allow the Bible passage to form the message. When Pastor Vic preaches, you can be sure that it is a Biblical message. 
Wednesday Evening "Dig Deeper" Series:
Wednesday evening at 6 P
M is a time to dig deeply into God's Word. This is a relaxed Bible study that takes place in the social hall where we dig deeply into God's Word. We have a workbook for each person and it guides us all the way through the Old Testament. Besides that, all you need is your Bible and probably something to take notes with! Youth Group meets in the Youth Building at this same time.

Women's and Men's Ministrie
Our women's ministry (known was "WMU" or Women's Ministry Union) and men's ministry (known as "Brotherhood") bo
th allow for Christian women and men to grow in their faith with others as well as providing for service opportunities. Men meet on the second Saturday of the third month of each quarter at 8 am for breakfast, prayer, and then have a workday at the church. WMU meets on the second Sunday evening of the third month of the quarter at 5:30 PM for food, fellowship, and to work on missions projects.



We believe that a person cannot fully know God unless he is serving God. We encourage all members and regular attenders at Morningside to find a place of service. Whether it means helping with the cleanup team, greeting people at the front door on Sunday mornings, or volunteering at Vacation Bible School, there is always a place that God can use you! Our church also regularly helps/collects funds for charities such as the Baptist Boys Home in Baxley, Backpacks of Hope, the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, and the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. In addition, our WMU and Brotherhood groups provide for additional service opportunities. ​

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